mardi 29 mai 2012

Scoop-Nordiques: Il reste 2 jours à la LNH pour exercer leur option pour rester un an de plus à Phoenix


Très intéressant point en provenance du site HF Boards

Voici ce qu’ils disent:

Do I have it right that the AMUL between NHL/CoG does not contain a guaranteed $25M? CORRECT.
In other words, the league can exercise their right to another year as owner of Coyotes playing at, but the CoG would still need to vote to give them the cash, right? KIND OF. GLENDALE ALREADY HAS $17MM IN PRELIM BUDGET
So, in the case of 2012-13, the preliminary CoG budget would be $17M for Coyotes 'subsidy', right? CORRECT.
Although that could change if the final CoG budget changes, right? CORRECT. ALTHOUGH, IT WAS SAID DURING WORKSHOP THAT THE AMOUNT CANNOT INCREASE.
Does that mean the league has until Thursday to exercise their right to another year? CORRECT. (UNDER EXISTING AMUL)
If so, then the next 2 days are going to be interesting. PROBABLY NOT.
If that is the case, then if nothing happens by Thursday, then we know there will a sale to either GJ or to an out of market purchaser (very most likely PKP). WHICH IS A LOT LIKE WHAT WE KNOW TODAY

Ca veut dire ceci: Il reste 2 jours à la LNH pour exercer leur option pour rester un an de plus à Phoenix.

Semble t il que ca brasse pas mal là bas politiquement parlant. La mairesse Scrubbs est traité de menteuse…et ca crie fort en raison de l’augmentation des taxes …

On va avoir donc d’ici 2 jours, soit d’ici la fin de semaine,  une autre indication…sur ce qui va se passer dans ce dossier chaud…

À suivre

Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

No de billet: 0197-21-50-92-2

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