lundi 11 juin 2012

Scoop Nordiques: Ca se joue aujourd’hui à Glendale


Mise à jour de 19h27

La dernière de Mike Sunnock: Ca s’en vient le jab de GWI pour mettre à terre…Jamison et Glendale

Goldwater Institute again out to block Phoenix Coyotes sale

PUBLISHED 16 minutes and 27 seconds ago

Mike Sunnucks, Phoenix Business JournalSporting News

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Lawyers at the Goldwater Institute are working on their next jab at Glendale’s deal with prospective Phoenix Coyotes buyer Greg Jamison.

The watchdog group promises to be back in court soon as it fights the city’s approval of a 20-year, $300 million arena management fee plan to pay Jamison to run Arena if he buys the hockey team.

“We are definitely pursuing this and are working on the next court filing now,” said Goldwater executive vice president Starlee Rhoades.

Goldwater attorneys unsuccessfully tried to stop the Glendale City Council from approving the deal with Jamison on Friday, but a Maricopa County Superior Court judge ruled the vote could go forward.

However, that same ruling left the door open to Goldwater challenging the vote after its approval if it can prove Glendale did not follow state laws on open meetings and disclosing public records.

Goldwater could also challenge the Glendale Coyotes deal on the ground it violates state law governing government subsidies to businesses.But the city and backers of the Coyotes deal say when rent, the city’s 15 percent share of future arena naming rights deals and a possible $3 per ticket city surcharge on hockey games and concerts are taken into account, the package is legal under state law.

Goldwater attorney Carrie Ann Sitren said Friday her group hasn’t received enough details from the city to determine yet whether the Jamison payments are legal.

The city payments to Jamison over 20 years are key to the former San Jose Sharks CEO putting together investment money and financing to purchase the Coyotes from the National Hockey League. If the Jamison deal falls apart, the Coyotes could end up in Quebec City or Seattle next season.

Mike Sunnucks writes about politics, law, airlines, sports business and the economy for Phoenix Business Journal, a sister publication of Sporting News. Email him at

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Mise à jour de 19h00

Un éditorial qui en dit long sur le climat qu’il y a présentement à Glendale

Will Goldwater also scrutinize D’backs’ deal?

Now that The Goldwater Institute has declared itself the Supreme Court of Hockey and will perhaps to put the kibosh on the deal between Glendale and the proposed new owners of the Coyotes, I’m wondering if it also will anoint itself the Supreme Court of Baseball and take a VERY close look at the public/private arrangements involving the Arizona Diamondbacks. I've heard from several readers today wondering about that.

Doing so might be a little tricky, of course, since the wife of D’backs’ owner Ken Kendrick also serves on the Goldwater board, but fair is fair.


Sen. John McCain, a big fan of the Coyotes and a supporter of the proposed deal, noted that the Goldwater Institute held a fundraiser at Chase Field, which, like other sports venues in the Valley, wouldn't exist built without taxpayer money.

"So there's a certain, shall I say, hypocrisy here?" the senator said.

I mentioned McCain’s remarks a while back to Goldwater attorney Carrie Ann Sitren, who is leading the institute’s attack on the Coyotes.

"It's hard to go back and look at agreements from years ago," she said. "But we are here now. We have our legal center now, and we are ready to protect taxpayers. If it has to be in the courts then we will end up in the court."

Why is hard to go back and look at agreements from years ago?

Why not put the D’backs’ deal, and every other local sports team deal, under the same microscope?

After all, the agreements are ongoing?

The hammer with which the institute is hoping to smash the Coyotes’ deal is a provision in the Arizona Constitution known as the "gift clause.” It reads: "Neither the state, nor any county, city, town municipality, or other subdivision of the state shall ever give or loan its credit in the aid of, or make any donation or grant, by subsidy or otherwise ... "

Sitren emphatically told me, "The gift clause does not have any exceptions.”

McCain and others have suggested that it would serve the greater good if the institute did not sue in this instance because Glendale is being forced to choose between one course that is bad and one that is worse, and losing the team would be worse.

To this Sitren replied, “The gift clause is there as a protection for taxpayers. It IS for the greater good."

No exceptions?

Always the greater good?

Okay then.

When can we expect that D’backs lawsuit?

Monday, June 11, 2012 at 03:04 PM

Mise à jour de 18h15

Dans un premier temps, désolé à mes fidèles lecteurs…j’ai eu des obligations persos…depuis 2hr cette pm. Maintenant…je suis de retour

Voici les dernières nouvelles:

Ce que je sens c’est que GWI a fourbi ses armes aujourd’hui et déposera demain la requête en annulation ou invalidation du vote de vendredi.

Ce que je décode aussi c’est qu’il est trop tôt pour eux pour dire s’Ils iront de l’avant avec la “Gift clause” parce qu’ils n’ont pas tous les documents en main…Et tout ca m’inspire que le processus va être très long…à partir de maintenant…avant une décision finale…de surtout..une confirmation de la LNH qu’elle peut vendre les Coyotes au groupe Jamison…À suivre

Voici d’ailleurs les derniers Twitts de

53 min
Lisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

.@KalebReedy The exhibits Goldwater seeks cover the annual budget and management performance standards for the #Coyotes arena.

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58 minLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

Correct. RT @KalebReedy They refer to the exhibits that Tindall and Clark said dont exist, correct?

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1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

They're not posted on the #Glendale website. MT @DavidDJohnson Are docs still not available as of today? #Coyotes

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1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

@gregdunaway Nothing fancy. Just asked if they planned to pursue a case on the gift clause issue as the hearing is on a separate issue.


1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

Left a message and waiting to hear back. MT @DavidDJohnson So what does #Glendale say about the situation? #Coyotes

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1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

@gregdunaway Which response?


1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

Goldwater spokeswoman: “We don’t have enough information right now to say.” #Glendale #Coyotes


1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

The #Phoenix-based conservative watchdog group is still weighing whether to pursue suit on gift clause issue. #Coyotes


16:50 - 11 Juin 12 via web · Détails

1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

This hearing, when scheduled, would be about #Glendale’s failure to release #Coyotes deal exhibits Goldwater says are crucial.


1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

.@GoldwaterInst spokeswoman: Time hasn’t been set for hearing on#Glendale’s alleged violation of court order before #Coyotes vote.


1 hLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

I'm told a hearing is unlikely today. RT @christianbuist1 Is it too late for GWI today? #Coyotes

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Mise à jour de 13h15

3 twitts de Lisa

Lisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

I promise to keep you posted on Goldwater’s plans today. #Coyotes


2 minLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

However, #Glendale and Goldwater attorneys aren’t in court yet this morning. #Coyotes


2 minLisa HalverstadtLisa Halverstadt@LisaHalverstadt

Goldwater Institute spokeswoman says the conservative watchdog group will likely move forward with challenge to #Glendale vote on #Coyotes.

Mise à jour de 13h12 – 11-6-12

Scoop Nordiques Des nouvelles s'en viennent en provenance de Glendale. La journaliste Lisa Halverstald est entrain de faire quelques téléphones pour nous...à suivre

Voici le twitt en question:

sonu munshi@smunshi

@LucMenard360 Hi there. @LisaHalverstadt is following up on that today. She's making some calls to check.

Mise à jour de 12h00 –11-6-12

Rien n’a filtré sur Twitter en provenance de Glendale encore…à suivre

J’ai envoyé des Twitts aux 3 journalistes qui ont couvert le sujet. De plus, je viens d’envoyer un autre twitt directement à GWI pour savoir de la source même quand retourneront ils en cour pour invalider le vote de vendredi au conseil municipal de Glendale: À suivre

Luc Menard@LucMenard360

@GoldwaterInst Please for Nordique's fans: Do you know when you will return in court today to invalidate friday's vote of Glendale concil


9 minLuc MenardLuc Menard@LucMenard360

@smunshi Hi Sonu Do you have last infos about GWI and which hour they will return in court today? i need this info for Nordique's fans here


Je vais vous donner les dernières nouvelles en direct de Glendale. Via Twitter Lisa Halverstald nous informera et je vous donnerai en direct..ici les Twitts les plus importants.

Rappelons qu’en principe, GoldWater Institute est sensé se présenter en cour municipal ce matin pour invalider le vote du conseil municipal de vendredi. Ce qui forcera un long délai dans une nouvelle tentative d’approbation du dossier des Coyotes à Glendale.

Ce délai pourra être la fin des Coyotes???

C’est ici et nulle part ailleurs que vous aurez les meilleurs scoop dans le dossier du retour des Nordiques à Québec

On verra bien

À suivre

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